are we SAFE here? | 131 | beau and brandy sailing

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Added by vindheim
When researching anchorages we always take safety into account. What are the reviews saying? What are other cruisers who have been there in the past saying? Checking the Caribbean Safety and Security site for recent reports. BUT we also follow our gut. If we find an anchorage with no reviews and feel off we will leave. If we find an anchorage and it has no so favorable reviews, then we make the call depending on the situation. And to be honest, if we let all the bad reviews keep us away from exploring each new place, we would have NEVER left home.

What we don’t normally get is the ONE one ONE contact with the locals and business owners that are trying their best to clear their names of the smearing that one or two people with bad intentions have brought upon them.

Most of the anchorages in the West Indies rely on the cruising community to bring in income for their businesses. And when one bad apple takes it upon themselves to ruin the whole bunch, it hurts the locals' livelihood and the cruisers who are missing out on a beautiful location full of kind people, great food, amazing conversation and possibly a DONKEY.

We are happy we got to meet up with our new friend Curtis that showed us around his island and introduced us to what has become one of our favorite islands in the Caribbean.

Follow our friends!

The Dangerz on SV Karma

Brooke and Gary
Sailing One Life:

Hee Haw Harry

Captain Phil’s Coffee and Crossfit
1-784-533-2462 or 1-784-533-2453
Located just off the Ferry pier.

John’s Marine Service
1-784-593-0875 or on channel 16 if in the area

If you are ever in Canouan be sure to visit these guys and tell we sent ya :)

big love,
beau, brandy, and our salty dog, oona
#canouan #cruisingsafe #beauandbrandy
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