I hope I don't end up regretting this - Pushing off from Greenland. | #71 | DrakeParagon Season 5

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We're pushing off from Greenland aboard our 42 foot sailboat bound for Ireland...or are we? The boat is stowed and the crew is rested, but even the best laid plans cannot compete with the raw nature in this harsh land. A few icebergs and gale force winds make us reconsider in a hurry. Should we have left earlier in the week? It's too late for regrets and the situation will require all hands on deck.

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See the whole North Atlantic Adventure series with the links below!

Season 1: North Carolina to New York City

Season 2: New York City to Boston

Season 3: USA to Newfoundland, Canada

Season 4: Newfoundland, Canada to Greenland

Season 5: Greenland

Can’t get enough interviews and boat tours? Check out the link below for a complete list!


#icebergs #Greenland #sailing
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