
Summer dishes to try in Britain|Corona beer|BBQ|Planet of Food

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#gourmet #Ploughman #Corona

”Planet of Food”は



制作:島津秀泰(Hideyasu Shimazu)、Kenichi Iwabuchi



ネコ・・・Madoka Kamiyama(マドカさん)東京都生まれ。小さい時からモノ作りの楽しさに魅了され、米国の大学にて工業デザイン学科を勉強し卒業。その後ニューヨークにてインテリア設計事務所、Herman Millerの社員として東京、シンガポールにて勤務。現在はシンガポールにて屋台で食べる「楽しさ」にはまっている。プライベートでは8歳の娘、夫はアメリカ国籍の日系ペルー人と愛犬とで暮らす。

白イルカ・・・Shoko Tomita 大阪生まれ。小さい頃から生き物が好きで特に海の生き物に惹かれて近畿大学の水産学科を卒業。その後名古屋で魚屋を経験したのち現在は東京で事務職をしながら趣味として魚を愛でる日々。まだ、独身ですが、魚への愛情を買って今回、異例の抜擢。InstagramなどSNSで魚の行動学に関する情報を主に発信しています。

うさぎ・・・Ayumi Whitehouse イギリス英語とチャゲアスのASKAの影響で渡英を夢見る。試行錯誤の結果夢実現し、18年前から英国在住。11年近く勤めた自動車業界の企業昨年退職。現在休職中。「オレの舌は世界一や」が口癖であった自称グルメの父親の影響で食べるのも呑むのも大好き。イギリス人の主人と10歳の息子と田舎暮らし。

"Planet of Food
The concept of "Planet of Food" is "Life is more fun when you know the world's cuisine! Planet of Food" is a project that invites three housewives who live in various parts of the world to share information about food and deliver cross-cultural exchange.

Twitter: @PlanetofFood1

BGM: "MusMus

Production: Hideyasu Shimazu, Kenichi Iwabuchi

<This year's performers
Cat・・・Madoka Kamiyama is from Tokyo, Japan. From a younger age, she’s always been fascinated by product design. She graduated from Industrial Design in USA. She worked as Designer/Specifier at Interior design firms in New York City and also with Herman Miller in Tokyo and Singapore. Currently, she lives with her wonderful family, an 8 year old daughter and supportive husband who is Peruvian/Japanese American and a rescued dog.

White dolphin・・・Shoko Tomita Born in Osaka, Japan. She has loved living things since she was a child, and was especially attracted to sea creatures. She graduated from the Fisheries Department of Kinki University. After graduating from Kinki University with a degree in fisheries, she worked as a fishmonger in Nagoya, and now works as an office worker in Tokyo, while loving fish as a hobby. She is still single, but her love for fish made her an exceptional choice for this position, and she mainly provides information on fish behavior on SNS such as Instagram.
Instagram: aomino_aquarium

Rabbit・・・Ayumi Whitehouse Born in Osaka Dreamed of moving to the UK because of British English and the influence of Chageas' ASKA. After much trial and error, I realized my dream and have been living in the UK for the past 18 years. Currently on a leave of absence. She loves to eat and drink under the influence of her father, a self-proclaimed gourmet who used to say, "I have the best taste in the world. She lives in the country with her English husband and 10-year-old son.
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